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Take me by the hand
Brigid of the Water... 


Imbolc is a time of hope and renewal, purification and cleansing away; the days hopefully begin to feel warmer and certainly lighter, although Winter may cling on.
If it does, these rituals would have felt all the more important, to assure the return of the warmer days and abundance and fertility of the Earth.


Hail to You, Brigid
Keeper of the Sacred Flame
Burning eternal
Hail to You, Brigid
Who holds and bears the Torch


★ Celtic Calling - Imbolc & Goddess Brigid ★

★★★ Contains a 50 page E-Book & Course making it a jam-packed experience yet, and includes 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ FOUR embedded videos available nowhere else included a guided meditation to meet Goddess Brigid! 🕯️🕯️🕯️


★Is this for you?

★★★ Contains a 50 page E-Book with links to videos! ★★★


★Is this for you?

🕯️ This large Celtic Calling is a balance between the Irish myth & traditions surrounding Imbolc & Goddess Brigid - supplying you with all the info you could possibly need - and then the living practice of Celtic Witchcraft - including rituals, invocations, recipes, spells and more!

★ What do we cover in this book? 


★★★Folklore & history of Imbolc  ★★★

🕯️A Celtic Witch perspective of the festival of Imbolc with all the information you could possibly need from beginner level to more advanced!
🕯️A discussion of some of the appropriate historical and folklore elements of Imbolc
🕯️ A guide on what magical practices might improve your life that are perfect for this time of year


★★★ Green Celtic Witchcraft; Plants and Land Spirits ★★★

🕯️ Teaching you in easy to follow steps witchcraft practices that will assist you in meditation, grounding, connection to the Goddess & Earth Spirits

🕯️ A section on Wildcrafting & foraging magical herbs for Imbolc, this season, and the Goddess Brigid, including recipes and how to make it guides

🕯️ How to speak to Nettle plant spirits & Land Spirits

🕯️How to use Nettle in Witchcraft 
🕯️How to make Nettle Spell candles for Brigid
🕯️How to make Sacred offerings for the Land Spirits & Ancestors & a ritual to give this in offering 


★★★ Goddess Worship, Priestessing & Celtic Witchcraft ★★★

🕯️Invocation for and connecting to The Goddess Brigid
🕯️ Imbolc activities & how to do them to honour Brigid
🕯️How to set up an Imbolc / Brigid altar
🕯️How to cast a Celtic Circle / Sacred Grove & invoke the Tree Guardians

🕯️How to invoke the Celtic Elemental Mothers of Land, Sea, & Sky
🕯️ Evocation of Goddess Brigid

🕯️How to invoke the Sacred Flame / become a Sacred Flamekeeper
of Brigid - Ritual 

🕯️How to perform fire divination to see the future




All my own work recipe and design all rights reserved ©

Celtic Calling Witchcraft Complete Course - Goddess Brigid & Imbolc

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