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★ Honouring the Goddess Hecate, energy of the Wild Witch, Deep Earth Magick, connecting to plant spirits, empowering yourself, assists in clearing blockages and finding your purpose in life, rituals of transformation and rebirth ★


Goddess Hecate - Queen of the Witches ★ Spell Cauldron Candle has been designed to honour one of the most ancient and primal Goddesses, it embodies Hecate in her guise as the all seeing Crone and honours her as a Goddess of the Underworld.


Hecate is considered to be a primal force, tied to the history of the Witches, and although is most famous in Greek mythology it is argued by many that she is infact far more ancient than this.
A guardian of the Underworld and the mysteries, she embodies wisdom, mystery, death aspects and rules over all magick, believed to be the original archetype of the "hag" or "hedge-sitter" the Goddess Hecate can not only help you see past and future but also the deepest parts of yourself.
A guardian of the cross-roads and gates, she holds the sacred keys and can assist those seeking her aid on their journey, if she believes they are ready and worthy.


The rich aroma signifies her role as Queen of the Witches, The energetic temple matrix of Hecate is of low hanging canopies in moss laden caverns, the richest magical dirt inscribed with ancient symbols, the roving path trodden by animals and spirits alike, the tales whispered by herbs, the wink of the baneful poisons and the clatter of the keys that unlock all mysteries - found only at the crossroads and beyond…


There is a deep earthy wisdom in the Temple of Hecate, neither benign nor hostile, simply ancient as the World herself.
Hecate watches with eyes of cosmic brilliance, glittering and all knowing.
She smiles silently at the hearth of her wooden retreat, beckoning the wary traveller to rest and hear old tales from when the Earth was young.


Please note: The Cauldron's outer container is metal and it will get very hot when you burn them. Please take care to place the cauldron on a suitable surface before burning.

My own design work and recipe, all rights reserved


Soy wax with eco cotton wicking and candle dye

Burn with care!

Burn time approx 2 hours

Never leave a burning candle unattended
Remove herbs before burning 
Burn on a heat proof surface and dish incase of drips
Do not ingest



      © 2013 by Starry Eyed Supplies

      Goddess Hecate - Queen of the Witches ★ Spell Cauldron Candle


        © 2013 by Starry Eyed Supplies

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