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★Self love, Personal Healing, Gentle Empowerment, Inner light, Mother Goddess, connection to the Universe, Magical support system, Joy★


★Scent - Almost an upmarket strawberry swirl iced cream with no sickliness and a warming spice throughout... its beyond heavenly! Cherry Blossom, Strawberry and Rose amongst others;  Fruity, smooth, creamy with a spice to offset★


A deeply healing self love blend which merges strawberry and cherry blossom with three kinds of magical salt as well as some of the movers and shakers of the herb love world; Rose and Heather amongst others!


“Love thyself, Witch” is a new spell energy for Starry Eyed Supplies designed to gently support you through spell work and ritual for self love, healing, and hope.

It’s energy matrix is supportive, warm, comforting, and familiar.

It helps guide you back to yourself in order to remind you that the universe needs you, believes in you, and loves you!


Self love and personal healing can be a difficult and sometimes lonely journey; it can be easy to find yourself feeling hopeless in the face of overwhelming emotions.
"Love yourself, Witch!" has been created especially for these times, channeling the energy matrix of the supportive Mother Goddess energy who reaches out and holds us in her ethereal arms at times such as these.

She speaks directly through this energy, reminding us that we are not alone, and it is okay to feel everything that we are feeling.
The energy and scents of "Love thyself, Witch!" are designed to gently uplift, soothe, and comfort you to guide you back to the path of yourself, and reminding you of the unique, special, and wonderful person that you are.


It also builds an energy of light and shimmy to redirect your personal focus back to the silver linings, the warm light, and the sparkly smile of the stars which guides us even on the darkest nights.

The energy will facilitate heart based healing, and gently empower you through spiritual encouragement. YOU ARE LOVED.


All my own work recipe and design all rights reserved

"Love thyself, Witch!" - Self Love and Healing - Magical Salts

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