Amber vial with metal rollerball dispersal, each anointing oil is created for magical use with essential oils and a base carrier oil. No ick, no synthetics, all natural and beautiful scented.
Not intended as a cosmetic perfume but should not irritate skin. Anoint your magical tools and jewellery with this gorgeous Spell oil!
★ Cerridwen, the Swynwraig, The Healer, Plant Spirits, energy of the Land, Working with spirits for healing, Grounding, Earth energy, connecting to Centredness, Calm, Purification of self - body, mind, and spirit ★
★ Scent - Apple blossom and elderflower over fern leaves and honeysuckle amongst others
"Cerridwen as healer - mistress of herbs, potions, brews - she who sings with the land to heal the land and in so doing to heal ourselves.
She who takes what she needs and gives twice as much back.
A steadying hand when sickness strikes, a calm word in the midst of stress, the Witch with a salve for every burn and a tea for every chill..."
This beautiful anointing oil has been created to honour the Celtic Goddess Cerridwen as a healer, wise in the arts of herbs and plants, connected to the Druidic path.
The Swynwraig embodies many aspects of magical life, but for this spell range the focus is on healing - healing ones self, and others. This energetic matrix is created with the idea of being in harmony within ones body, emotional body, and spiritual body, as well as being connected to the land on which one lives, and the spirits that reside there.
Plant spirit work can be beneficial for those seeking healing in all forms, and brewed together in the Cauldron of Cerridwen, they can become even more infused with magical intent.
Balance and harmony within ones self can assist with healing.By connecting to the divine energy of Awen - inspiration - we can channel messages to assist us in our healing journey.
★ Apple Blossom in Witchcraft - is associated with Spring and the Deities associated with it, Apple Blossom is considered a fresh energy for new beginnings. Hopeful and enchanting, apple blossom is perfect for love work, especially loving yourself.
★ Elderflower in Witchcraft - Elderflower wards off negative influences and malicious spellwork. Sacred to the Goddess, Elderflower assists in transformation and personal alchemy and is closely associated with the cycles of life, death and rebirth. As well as warding off negative spirits it can assist with the psychic senses and being able to see spirits.
★ Spruce in Witchcraft - known for its ability to open up the airways, similarly spruce can open up all connections in the spiritual ecosystem, provides mental focus and clarity as well as grounding.
★ Honeysuckle has a diverse range of associations under Witchcraft practices, but I infuse it with the Ogham Uilleann; the internal spiral within that teaches us lessons of the internal spirit and how to connect with the divine and the spiritual ecosystem by travelling inward into the soul space
Use the beautiful anointing spell oil in your Witchcraft...
★Anointing candles to connect with the Goddess Cerridwen as Healer
★Draw a healing sigil onto white or light green paper with a gold pen
★Anoint the altar space or place of personal healing
★ Anoint paper in a healing journal to release blockages
All my own work and design all rights reserved ©
All my own work recipe and design all rights reserved ©
Amber 10ml with metal rollerball
Base carrier Oil - OliveBest before - 1 year shelf life
Contains essential oils and skin safe fragrance oils
Not for cosmetic use
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