★★★ Nordic Goddess Freya ★ Spell Orb ★★★
★Goddess Freya, Lover, Warrior, Völva, Queen of the Valkyrie, Personal Sovereignty, Bountiful nature in sensuality and Victory, Love and Lust, claiming ones sexual self, returning power to the defeated so that they might fight on, inspiration of all kinds ★
The energy matrix reflects the myths of Freya; it had to be beautiful and sensual, but also full of wiley wild energies who can pit Gods against one another in War if She so desires, she is beauty and feminine within the scope of a Death Goddess, a force that cannot be denied.
War Goddesses tend to demand your personal best at any given time and as such, Freya desired a deepening to her personal spell line.
Bountiful is the name of the game here; the spoils of victory & lovemaking.
I’m enamoured & she’s satisfied which I’m guessing is exactly the point!!!
Freya is in control of her sexuality in control of her Sovereignty; She leads souls to her realm in the afterlife, sharing souls with Odin and is described as having "White arms that light up the darkness of the Underworld."
There is an underlining Death aspect to the incense, threading together her energies as a multifaceted Goddess; reflecting her role as Goddess and Valkyrie.
"When did beauty become weakness? Or frailty? If you grip the Rose too tightly it will cut you; you will bleed." - Goddess Freya in meditation.
The energetic matrix within the spell orb for the Goddess Freya builds an energetic temple to honour this complex and beautiful Goddess; She is at home amongst regal golden halls, strewn with flowers and riches, adorned and bedecked with luxury that fits her status as a Goddess of Love and Beauty; but She is no delicate wallflower and her beauty, as well as her temple, is rooted within inner strength and wildness.
She does not compromise or flee from a fight, and is solid in her power, and within Her temple, she reminds you to channel this indomitable will in all your dealings.
All my own work recipe and design all rights reserved
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