Each pack contains 2 Loaded Spell Candles
★ All essences of Love magick - to attract a new partner whose right for you, that sizzle connection with a person, layers of sultry seduction to make you feel sexy in yourself, the power to step out into the self love journey for real, helping you form healthy boundaries and attachments, activating the sensual self, rekindle the romance in difficult moments, a smidge of the Wild self & Romance anchored in strong rooted connection, Glamour magick ★
Loaded with herbs and essential oils to bring your spellwork to life!
These gorgeous love spell candles are luxuriously anointed with rose essential oils and carved, then hand dipped into a potion of hibiscus, red sandalwood and pomegranate…
★ Rose in Witchcraft - Rose is often associated with Love spells and has a long rich history of folklore behind it. This belief in its power of Love and Romance magick means the energy of Rose is a catalyst in the spiritual realms for Love, and can be the oomph needed in any and all Love works.
★ Hibiscus in Witchcraft - Hibiscus has a long history as an aphrodisiac and being used in love or lust spells. It can assist you in reclaiming your sensuality and feeling at home in your own body. It is also thought to aid flexibility and emotional intelligence, fostering deeper connections and mutual understanding in relationships.
★ Pomegranate magical properties - Pomegranate is ruled by Mercury who facilitated travel between the realms of the Living and the Dead, and carried messages. Associated with Persephone it adds the magick of the "Walker between Worlds," (as I see Her,) and for energies of Death and Rebirth. It is also associated with Fertility - and as Persephone is the one who brings Life force and growth into apparently barren spaces, this magick can overcome blockages to fertility of all kinds.
NOTE - Loaded Spell candles MUST be burned in a safe heat proof container and NEVER left unattended.
Due to the herbs on the outside they can burn quite vigorously as they release their spell - I recommend putting them in a Cauldron.All my own work recipe and design all rights reserved ©
10cm soy wax candles with dried herbs
Burn for approx 30-50 mins
© 2013 by Starry Eyed Supplies