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Each pack contains 2 Loaded Spell Candles


★Boosting creative energy, pushing past creative blockages, manifesting your dreams, tangible results from creativity, Create opportunities, Free yourself from self-doubt and the nagging energies of others, remember that you can do whatever you put your mind to ★ 


★Scent -These beautiful candles are loaded with blood orange essential oil (my favourite) and herbs such as basil, for creativity and powering through blockages!


A beautiful spell range that ended up being of the “fire up the backside” anti apathy spell oil and the “key to creativity” spell oil had a powder baby.


Kick through creative blocks with a can do attitude that takes no prisoners. Believe in yourself and your creative vision with gusto and gumption and all the g’s. Gain, gather, greatness.

You’ll be on fire, baby!


This gorgeous candle set is a dream for anyone looking to witch their way through creative blocks or general apathy when it comes to their life purpose. 
The road can be tough out there, especially if you don't have a support system... or worse, negative nancys telling you all the reasons you'll fail. 


We're not about that energy anymore. Self-sabotage is a problem we're resolving at all costs, connecting to our inner divine spark and reminding ourselves that we are in fact, that witch.


★ Blood Orange is one of my favourite essential oils (and fruits!) It is deeper and richer than regular orange, it is uplifting, anti-depressant and calming side can help you take a deep breath and refocus when money issues are stressing you out.
It is associated with the Sun, which brings magick of prosperity, growth, and being seen. Perfection!


★Basil in Witchcraft - Basil is a Kitchen Witch favourite, and is associated with abundance and wealth as well as protection. It's fiery energy can help you get back on track and push through any lingering creative blockages or apathy vibes.


NOTE - Loaded Spell candles MUST be burned in a safe heat proof container and NEVER left unattended. 
Due to the herbs on the outside they can burn quite vigorously as they release their spell - I recommend putting them in a Cauldron. 


All my own work recipe and design all rights reserved ©


10cm soy wax candles with dried herbs
Burn for approx 30-50 mins

Ritual spell candles ★ You better work, Witch ★ Creativity

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