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Brand new to Starry Eyed Supplies is the Starry Aura Spell Spritz - a non smoke alternative to the incenses available on store!
The Starry Aura Spritz Spell range has been blended with essential oils, purified English spring water and a dash of alcohol to purify and add shelf life to the product.
Blended to a high standard and tested on this witches' altar space, these gorgeously scented spritzes are imbued with magical energies and infused with conduited energy from sacred space to alter the vibrations around your aura, your sacred space, your home, your vehicle... whereever you want to spritz!


★Goddess Brigid ★ Kiss of Light★


★ Honouring Goddess Brigid, Healing Rituals, Personal Cleansing, Clearing the energetic body of negativity, Alchemizing personal hardship into growth, Rebirth, Hope, A supportive energy for starting over ★


★Scent - Rich Blackcurrant with Woody Sandalwood & Cedarwood notes amongst others, a fresh and different scent that brings life to any situation....★


Kiss of light is for the Healer aspect of Goddess Brigid - the alchemist who transmutes painful experiences into growth.

Kiss of light is the Goddess kissing your brow to alleviate the heaviness and hardship (because this witch doesn’t believe in the light versus dark rhetoric.)
The snowdrop at Imbolc is the plant spirit of this energy - as well as it’s symbol.

The returning of growth and life to the Earth.

Brigid in this form is the beautiful note of the poet singing their wisdom into eternity.
A return to hopefulness and health after a long drudge of illness.
The rays of the Sun growing stronger and warming the Earth after a long Winter.


For my part, I think of this Goddess as being intertwined with many forms of alchemy; the ability to infuse and change all different forms of matter with magick.
Brigid is a Goddess of cycles, and of change. Her energy can be deeply connective and healing, and the energetic matrix provides a sense of balance and support in that.

The scent of this particular temple incense builds a visual of a grassy hill where the Snowdrops are kissing the Earth, and a fresh new wind blows in from the East. 
The temple for Brigid here is of nature; a circle of trees, budding blossoms of new life, the mists of refreshing rain on the skin. 
It is the humming song of the plant spirits who share their wisdom and bring our bodies into balance, an energy of equilibrium in the heart and mind.


★ Blackcurrant in Witchcraft - is used in the removal of negative vibrations from a place or a person, and is thought to be a powerful protective spirit ally for those who are psychically sensitive or empathic. 

★ Sandalwood in Witchcraft - is used to bring balance to the energetic body and awaken the life force within.  It is also used to balance, centre and calm the mind, and for protection against negative spirits.


★Cedarwood in Witchcraft - is thought to be particularly potent in assisting witches to connect and attune with nature spirits. It dispels negative energies and attracts good spirits who guard the witch on their spirit journeys. Also wonderful for cleansing.


How to use this beautiful spritz:

★In rituals to honour The Goddess Brighid
★ Spritz before any form of healing or cleansing work
★ Dedicate items using the spritz to Goddess Brighid
★ Use when you need a boost and assistance to bring in change
★ Spritz to protect yourself against nay-sayers who take away from your shine



All my own work recipe and design all rights reserved ©

Copyright in place. Theft will not be tolerated. 


Starry Witch Spritz Spray ★ Kiss of Light ★ Goddess Brighid

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