Brand new to Starry Eyed Supplies is the Starry Aura Spell Spritz - a non smoke alternative to the incenses available on store!
The Starry Aura Spritz Spell range has been blended with essential oils, purified English spring water and a dash of alcohol to purify and add shelf life to the product.
Blended to a high standard and tested on this witches' altar space, these gorgeously scented spritzes are imbued with magical energies and infused with conduited energy from sacred space to alter the vibrations around your aura, your sacred space, your home, your vehicle... whereever you want to spritz!
★ Autumn, Fox Spirit work; embodiment & connection to Fox magick, Lessons of the Hedgerows and Liminal Spirits, Connecting to Hedge plant Spirits, Spirit travel protection, Strengthening Journey and Astral travel work, Helping you to connect to Earth based Ancestral Spirits ★
★ Scent - Autumn delight - musky amber, patchouli & oud with vertiver base amongst others
Temple of a Hedge Bound Fox Witch is a beautiful energy that combines the heart of the Hedgewitch who lives in the liminal spaces, listening to the spirits of the plants and trees, harvesting and crafting magick and being in tune with the natural world, and the essence of the Fox Spirit with whom I am closely aligned.
Both of these creatures embody the essence of the Old ways of Magick that many human beings have forgotten, communing with the spirits of the world and living by the cycles of nature and the cosmos.
Both Fox energy and Witches have been demonized by people who refuse to understand them; they have been labelled as 'evil' or 'trickster' or 'dangerous...' when instead they simply refuse to conform to a societal standard which is of detriment to the world.
They stand in their own power, knowing when to engage and when to move away in silence, when to speak out in words that echo throughout the ages, and how to find the safe passages through the dangerous woods by nightfall.
The temple of a Hedge Bound Fox Witch is the hedgerow; both the physical location that acts as a manifested barrier and border, and the magickal attachment to the Otherworld - the gate between worlds which can be traversed both inwardly and outwardly in search of magickal answers and elevation.
Fox energy remembers the safe ways to tread, and how to shape shift into other worlds with ease, and he will teach you these gifts if you have the wits to learn.
Journey beyond the self, with the taste of Autumn in the air, when the trees let go, and the leaves dance upon the wind. For here, in the hedgerow is the heart of magick - ready to be explored.
Speak to the spirits of the natural world, hear the whispers of ancestors on the wind, be rooted in the deep places of the Earth.
★ Amber has long been prized for its sacred nature, it connects us deeply to the vibration of Earth; deep rooted into our bodies and honouring them as connection points for all experiences.
★ Oud has a wonderful connectiveness that promotes a stillness and harmony when one is communing with Spirits, it cleanses out negativity from without and within
★ Cypress is transformative, and often used to support those dealing with cycles of Death and endings, it promotes inner strength and personal transformation
How to use the Spritz to make your Foxy Magick:
🦊Spritz around your home, space, car etc when you are feeling overwhelmed and need a deep earthing calm boost of energy - or when you really miss autumn scents! (I do this *a-lot*)
🦊 Spritz over the altar prior to divination or spirit communication to cleanse and ground the energy and assist you by strengthening your psychic senses
🦊 Spritz around your aura before you go wildcrafting - fox will help you find the paths you seek!
🦊 Spritz before you visit physical hedgerows to connect with spirits there; it will help to set the intention
🦊 Spray prior to meditation or journey work to align your energy with the Spirit world
All my own work and design all rights reserved ©
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