The Starry Witch Spell Spritz - a non smoke alternative to the incenses available on store!
The Starry Witch Spritz Spell range has been blended with essential oils, purified English spring water and a dash of alcohol to purify and add shelf life to the product.
Blended to a high standard and tested on this witches' altar space, these gorgeously scented spritzes are imbued with magical energies and infused with conduited energy from sacred space to alter the vibrations around your aura, your sacred space, your home, your vehicle... whereever you want to spritz!
★★ The Morrigan, Badb, Support with Shadow work, Death Cycles within our lives, Coping with Change and Challenges, Mourning and Grief work, Ancestral rites of all kinds, Cursing ★★
★Scent - Amber with notes of cypress, vertiver, and Tobacco amongst others. A smoky delight to the senses rooted in a deep earthiness.
Your blood stained lips twitch
Consuming death
To ingest all that has ended
And carry it across the battle marred fields
Bones rattling in solemn reverence
Carry me forth from bitterness
And remake me again in your fury.
- Joey Morris Songs of Shades Vol. 5
The photographs for Phantom Queen were in dire need of overhaul. I considered shifting the scent range to something more obviously ethereal but in the end I like what this scent matrix does.
It evokes the Morrigan in her guise of phantom queen, wandering through the remnants of a battle.
Through churned earth, ash, smoke; The Morrigan wanders.
Or the ancient bonfires lit by the barrow side as wails of keening send the dead on to the other side.
Phantom Queen has energies of honouring The Morrigan especially Badb, as well as all the lessons of death She evokes.
The visualisations and energy behind Temple of the Phantom Queen included many places of Death - a roaring bonfire in Great Halls to commemorate battle, as the honeyed spiced mead is drank and offered to the memory of the fallen and for the Gods.
It is the Fire and Earth by the Barrow side as the Dead are honoured and mourned in rituals by the setting Sun.
It is the Otherness on the air, offering a lulling and lilting state that wafts into the unconscious just before the shocking piercing scream of the Bean Sidhe is heard.
It is the calling of The Hooded Crow over the Battle field as the slain depart this world, blood soaks the Earth in offering, and everything changes once again...
Connecting to The Goddess Badb as an aspect of The Morrigan can seem daunting, and truly tests us as human beings, our resolve, our resilience, our honour.
Badb in particular draws our shadows close so that we can overcome them, strengthening ourselves to all battles... those within, and those without.
We must honour all Death cycles, our own, those that occur within this lifes' incarnation, and physical death, as well as those ancestors of whom we are aware, and those of whom are forgotten.
★ Cypress in Witchcraft - Cypress is transformative, and often used to support those dealing with cycles of Death and endings, it promotes inner strength and personal transformation
★ Vertivert in Witchcraft - Vertivert is a beautiful essential oil used for grounding work for those work heavily in the realm of Spirits and Psychic travel and help people keep in step with the realm of the Earth. It is also wonderful for manifestation and prosperity work.
★ Tobacco in Witchcraft - Originally a sacred herb used for purification and in rituals to both see the spirits of the dead as well as honouring the ancestors.
All my own work recipe and design all rights reserved
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