The White Witch of Avalon spell votive is designed around the energies of the Priestess of Avalon in the Winter, dancing in the snow, honouring the beauty of nature and embracing its gifts.
The term White Witch is often used in a glamourized Hollywood style and this magickal set seeks to reclaim the term as reflecting the beauty of the white snow in nature and the Witch of Avalon seeking to harmonize and enchant using those energies.
The magick contained within is for purification and healing which compliments the self reflective energies of winter; to help you go within and purify away that which no longer serves you and set healing into motion; to reset and rebalance yourself and rediscover your inner message of joy and child-like innocence and wonder.
The White Witch of Avalon tells us to "discard those sensationalised notions of what a White Witch is and seek peace in the Snow. Find yourself still and begin again, with a child-like joy. See the world with wonder and you will be purified and healed by the process."
Please note: Do not leave burning candles unattended
Burn with care!
Place on a heatproof dish
All my own work recipe and design all rights reserved ©
Soy Votive candle
Burn time approx 5-6 hours
Remove flower before burning to be safe
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